1. Directory Structure Overview
2. How To Start
3. Requirements
email : cocos.win@gmail.com
1. Directory Structure Overview
You will find some directories after uncompressing the archive of the library.
These are:
\cocos2d library soruce files.
\external external libray source or binary files.
\tests Examples showing how to use the library with C++.
\out output compiled file directory
2. Requirements
You can use one of the following compiler/IDE to develop applications with cocos2d for win32.
* Visual Studio 2005 (8.0) or Visual Studio 2008 (9.0)
* Khronos OpenGL ES 1.1 SDKs OpenGL ES PC Emulation
* The next version will support Windows Mobile.
3. How to start
- install OpenGL ES1.1 PC Emulation
Before building cocos2d, first you have to install OpenGL ES1.1 PC Emulation.
visit the "http://www.imgtec.com", download the OpenGL ES1.1 SDK.
Download guide :
- visit ths http://www.imgtec.com/powervr/insider/sdkdownloads/index.asp#GLES1b.
- download the [ Windows Vista/XP - OpenGL ES 1.1 ] below [ Khronos OpenGL ES 1.1 SDKs ] - set the visual studio environment.
After installing the OpenGL ES1.1 PC Emulation,
In option of VisualStudio 2005/2008, set the following environment.
(for example, install path is "c:\PowerVR SDK")
- add include files path :
c:\PowerVR SDK\OGLES-1.1_WINDOWS_PCEMULATION_2.05.25.0804\Builds\OGLES\Include\
- add library files path :
c:\PowerVR SDK\OGLES-1.1_WINDOWS_PCEMULATION_2.05.25.0804\Builds\OGLES\WindowsPC\lib - copy OpenGL ES dlls to windows/system32
- OpenGL ES dll files is located at :
for example, OpenGL Emulator directory is "c:\PowerVR SDK"
c:\PowerVR SDK\ES1.1\Builds\OGLES\WindowsPC\Lib
- The following are dll files.
libgles_cm.dll, libgles_cl.dll, libEGL.dll
- copy the above 3 dll files to system32 - open the solution file.
To build cocos2d for windows,
open VisualStudio solution file of which is "cocos2d.sln".
- build & run.