How to build

Table of Content

1. Directory Structure Overview
2. How To Start
3. Requirements


1. Directory Structure Overview

You will find some directories after uncompressing the archive of the library.

These are:

\cocos2d library soruce files.
\external external libray source or binary files.
\tests Examples showing how to use the library with C++.
\out output compiled file directory

2. Requirements

You can use one of the following compiler/IDE to develop applications with cocos2d for win32.

* Visual Studio 2005 (8.0) or Visual Studio 2008 (9.0)
* Khronos OpenGL ES 1.1 SDKs OpenGL ES PC Emulation
* The next version will support Windows Mobile.

3. How to start

  1.  install OpenGL ES1.1 PC Emulation
    Before building cocos2d, first you have to install OpenGL ES1.1 PC Emulation.
    visit the "", download the OpenGL ES1.1 SDK.

    Download guide :
    - visit ths
    - download the [ Windows Vista/XP - OpenGL ES 1.1 ] below [ Khronos OpenGL ES 1.1 SDKs ]
  2. set the visual studio environment.
    After installing the OpenGL ES1.1 PC Emulation,
    In option of VisualStudio 2005/2008, set the following environment.
    (for example, install path is "c:\PowerVR SDK")

    - add include files path :
    c:\PowerVR SDK\OGLES-1.1_WINDOWS_PCEMULATION_2.05.25.0804\Builds\OGLES\Include\

    - add library files path :
    c:\PowerVR SDK\OGLES-1.1_WINDOWS_PCEMULATION_2.05.25.0804\Builds\OGLES\WindowsPC\lib
  3. copy OpenGL ES dlls to windows/system32
    - OpenGL ES dll files is located at :
    for example, OpenGL Emulator directory is "c:\PowerVR SDK"
      c:\PowerVR SDK\ES1.1\Builds\OGLES\WindowsPC\Lib
    - The following are dll files.
      libgles_cm.dll, libgles_cl.dll, libEGL.dll
    - copy the above 3 dll files to system32
  4. open the solution file.
    To build cocos2d for windows,
    open VisualStudio solution file of which is "cocos2d.sln".
  5. build & run.